#1 Any time I voice my opinion or concern, I always feel AWFUL. I feel like I am a horrible, difficult person. I will also take all the blame if I am even remotely involved or even just think I was the cause when someone is upset. I realized today that my concerns are valid. They aren’t something I needed to apologize for. I wasn’t a jerk, or at least I try hard not to be and don’t aim a concern directly at someone. All of us have a right to voice concerns and we don’t need to apologize for it. However, I believe introspection is important, and did learn a lesson in it. Do I need to share that lesson, no, because it’s mine. Thank God for growth!

#2 Part of my people-pleasing personality is that I feel HORRIBLE when I make a mistake. I don’t like others to be inconvenienced or have difficulty because of me. After I had a major guilt trip today about a mistake, I realized the number of times I’ve gone with the flow because things weren’t “perfect” in the same situation. Mainly, because it wasn’t a huge deal. In other words, I didn’t need to beat myself up because we all screw up and don’t do things perfectly. I will still apologize for it because I haven’t gotten that far in my fix-it mode, but I quickly stopped beating myself up over it.
We are so quick to point the finger and judge others, especially now. What the world needs is more people showing God’s love and grace. No matter how big or small, if God is forgiving, who in the world do I think I am to not do the same? And, that’s on real life.
